Do you know how to do when it is necessary to control the temperature inside the electrical panels? When, for example, there are devices that generate heat within the switchboards. Or if it’s exposed to the natural elements, such as sun and snow.
But what if the board is subject to large temperature fluctuations or it is necessary it to be in a well defined range? Or if it were necessary to operate two units of thermoregulation, maybe a heating and cooling ones?
For cases like these, here in Fandis we designed the twin thermostats Orangis.
Equipped with bimetallic sensing elements and thanks to thermal feedback, these devices allow a better temperature control and, through the two knobs, are able to manage two different temperature settings, in order to be connected to both heating or fans installations, with the minimum size and a greater convenience for the user.
The double thermostat Fandis is available in three versions:
NCNO (blue knob + red knob): suitable for operations of cooling and heating, connected to a heater and a fan together
NONO (red knobs): suitable for heating, connectable to two heaters that can operate separately
NCNC (blue knobs): suitable for cooling, connectable to two fans tha can operate autonomously
All versions are available in two variants of scale °C or °F and operate in a temperature range from -10°C to 80°C, with an accuracy of ± 3°C.
If you want to know more about the twin thermostats, on the other Orangis control systems or entire Fandis production, visit our new website at this page.
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