Today we would like to talk about the uses of thermal power units that you did not believe possible. Thermoelectric unit is a technology that allows cooling using only electrical energy, resulting in the same effect as a conventional system (think of a refrigerator) without the use of gas, compressor or other moving parts. This is possible by using what is called the Peltier Effect, which we have already heard about: the heat is moved by the passage of electric current in the thermoelectric unit. On the one hand you will get the heat absorption and a consequent lowering of the temperature, on the other side, the heat is transferred to the surrounding environment.
But what are the real benefits? In a thermoelectric unit there aren’t mechanical devices (with the exception of a fan) and this makes the static insensitive to vibrations and allows then to operate in any position, unlike the compressors, only installed vertically.
And here we begin to understand its potential…
Think of military use equipment: a company would carry with them an air conditioner compressor and make sure it will work in the mission, maybe between bumps and jolts. Or think of refrigerators on airplanes or helicopters, would be impossible to install a cooling system in such a small space and so subject to vibrations, also because of the gas it contains.
Or more simply, there would bother a constant hum of the gas in a hotel room? Well, even in many hotels refrigerators thermoelectric units is used.
Furthermore, in a bar, the thermoelectric unit can be used within the spilling of beer, or for catering services or in hotels where a refined design can make the necessary tools to be able to bring excellent results, in reduced spaces.
The uses are really varied: in all applications on the go, they can get bumps or jolts, subject to weather events, where quiet operation is required or, simply, in a small space …
For example, we use this technology in our Bordos range, for cooling electrical panels or small electronic devices.
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