When it comes to solutions for the thermal management in electrical panels, Fandis focuses on a unique product, capable of communicating with the other devices: Sensis. What are the thermal management problems in the electrical panel? As we have already seen in other articles, there can be many problems relating to cabinets intended for on-board […]
How to cool an electrical panel subject to vibrations?
Enclosures can be subject to vibrations. Did you know that? Even if they are usually used in static applications, fixed in their position, and even if they do not contain significant sources of vibration, electrical panels often need to be protected from the vibrations present in the installation environment! What is the origin of the […]
Why condensation forms and how to manage it inside the electrical panels
As we have already seen, humidity and the related condensation are a threat to electrical panels. Humidity and condensation, in fact, are a possible cause of malfunction of the devices installed in them and of a consequent interruption of the operating processes. How does condensation form? When the humidity present in the air inside the […]
Bordos Series: thermoelectric units and much more!
Wall or roof cooling units, thermoelectric units, air-to-air and air-to-air heat exchangers: this is the Fandis Bordos series, designed specifically for electrical enclosures. Decrease the temperature inside the electrical cabinets: why? Thermal stress and excess of humidity are among the main causes of malfunctioning of electrical and electronic equipment, so it’s vital to implement adequate […]
How to manage enclosure temperature: 3 main challenges
As manufacturers of components for electrical panels, we often talk about how to manage the temperature inside them in an optimal way, to preserve the installed devices and guarantee efficiency and duration of life. Among the most common problems related to temperature management, some in particular can be really challenging. Let’s see them together. Temperature protection […]